Booking Information
The question I have been frequently asked, "What does It cost to have you come speak to my group?" Well, there is no good or straight up answer to that question as for there are many different case by case factors.
Depending on travel, accommodations, number of appearances or amount of time allotted to speak, it can range from $2,500 to $5,500+. But don't let those numbers turn you away. The mission of Cell 9/11 is to help spread awareness and prices are not set in stone. So please; don't hesitate to reach out to me for more information.
Audience Type?
As a TEAM trained speaker, Teaching, Educating and Mentoring, I am able to customize my presentation to meet the needs of any age group. First Responders, High School Students, Law Enforcement/EMS academy students, You name it, Ill make it work with just a little prep time!